2023 # HCPR24 Appropriate Utilization of Vancomycin for Cellulitis 

Measure Title: Appropriate Utilization of Vancomycin for Cellulitis

Measure Description: Percentage of Patients with Cellulitis Who Did Not Receive Vancomycin Unless MRSA Infection or Risk for MRSA Infection Was Identified

Denominator: Any patient greater than or equal to 18 years of age evaluated by the Eligible Professional PLUS Admitted or Placed in Observation Status PLUS Diagnosis of Cellulitis (Transferred, eloped, AMA or expired patients are excluded)

Numerator: Patients who did NOT have Vancomycin ordered unless known MRSA infection was identified or specific risk for MRSA infection was indicated

Denominator Exclusions: None

Denominator Exceptions: None

NQF ID Number: N/A

NQS Domain: Efficiency and Cost Reduction

High Priority Measure: Yes

Measure Type: Process

Includes Teleheatlh: Yes

Inverse Measure: No

Proportional Measure: Yes

Continuous Variable Measure: No

Ratio Measure: No

Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted: 1

Risk-Adjusted Status: No

Care Setting: Emergency Department and Services; Hospital; Hospital Inpatient

Submission Pathway: Traditional MIPS
