2023 # ECPR56 Opioid Withdrawal: Initiation of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Referral to Outpatient Opioid Treatment 

Measure Title: Opioid Withdrawal: Initiation of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Referral to Outpatient Opioid Treatment

Measure Description: Percentage of Patients Presenting with Opioid Withdrawal Who Were Given Medication-Assisted Treatment and Referred to Outpatient Opioid Treatment

Denominator: Any patient greater than or equal to 18 years of age evaluated by the Eligible Professional with diagnosis of opioid abuse or dependence with withdrawal (Transferred, eloped, AMA or expired patients are excluded)

Numerator: Patients Who Were Given Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and, at Time of Discharge to Home or Home Health, Referred to Outpatient Opioid Treatment

Denominator Exclusions: None

Denominator Exceptions: Medical Performance Exclusion (Denominator Exception): Refusal of care, allergy to medicine, altered mental status, Buprenorphine or Methadone not clinically indicated

NQF ID Number: N/A

NQS Domain: Patient Safety

High Priority Measure: Yes

Measure Type: Process

Includes Teleheatlh: Yes

Inverse Measure: No

Proportional Measure: Yes

Continuous Variable Measure: No

Ratio Measure: No

Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted: 1

Risk-Adjusted Status: No

Care Setting: Ambulatory; Ambulatory Care: Clinician Office/Clinic; Ambulatory Care: Hospital; Ambulatory Care: Urgent Care; Emergency Department and Services; Hospital; Hospital Inpatient; Hospital Outpatient; Outpatient Services

Submission Pathway: Traditional MIPS
