2024 # ECPR39 Avoid Head CT for Patients with Uncomplicated Syncope 

Measure Title: Avoid Head CT for Patients with Uncomplicated Syncope

Description: Percentage of Adult Syncope Patients Who Did Not Receive a Head CT Scan Ordered by the Provider


  • Any patient ≥18 years of age evaluated by the Eligible Professional in the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Clinic, Inpatient or Observation Status settings. 
  •  PLUS Diagnosis of Syncope:
    •  ICD-10: R55
    • (not including transferred, eloped or AMA patients) 

Numerator: Syncope Patients who did not have a head CT ordered by the provider

Denominator Exclusions: None

Denominator Exceptions: Patients who did have a head CT ordered for medical reason documented by the eligible professional (i.e., Seizure; alcohol/drug intoxication; vomiting; altered mental status; abnormal neurologic exam; concern for intracranial injury/hemorrhage, stroke, or mass lesion).


National Quality Forum (NQF) number, if applicable

Care setting(s) 
Ambulatory Care: Urgent Care; Emergency Department and Services; Hospital Inpatient; Ambulatory; Ambulatory Care: Hospital; Hospital; Hospital Outpatient; Outpatient Services

Telehealth, if applicable

Number of performance rates required for measures

Traditional vs. inverse measure

Proportional, continuous variable, and/or ratio measure indicator

Risk adjustment, if applicable

Submission pathway 
Traditional MIPS
