2021 MIPS Measure #219: Functional Status Change for Patients with Lower Leg, Foot or Ankle Impairments 

Measure Type High Priority Measure? Collection Type(s)
Patient Reported Outcome yes MIPS CQM


Measure Description

patient-reported outcome measure of risk-adjusted change in functional status for patients 14 years+ with foot, ankle and lower leg impairments. The change in functional status (FS) is assessed using the FOTO Lower Extremity Physical Function (LEPF)patient- reported outcome measure (PROM) . The measure is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with FS outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician level, and at the clinic level to assess quality. The measure is available as a computer adaptive test, for reduced patient burden, or a short form (static measure).