Measure Description
Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older who are screened for bothersome subjective tinnitus AND, if patient reports symptoms, assessed with clinical evaluation for tinnitus severity and impact on hearing-related quality of life (HRQoL) using a validated self-assessment tool AND, if identified with tinnitus that impacts the patients HRQoL, receive a tinnitus-related care plan, and tinnitus-related intervention(s), treatment(s), or management AND who report a meaningful clinically important difference (MCID) improvement in the impact of tinnitus on the patient’s HRQoL within 12 months of initial identification.
Strata 1: Patients aged 18 years and older with a patient encounter
Strata 2: Patients aged 18 years and older screened for presence of bothersome subjective tinnitus, reporting bothersome tinnitus symptoms
Strata 3: Patients aged 18 years and older assessed with clinical evaluation for tinnitus severity and a validated self-assessment tool (THI, TRQ, TFI) to determine the impact of tinnitus on their HRQoL
Strata 4: Patients aged 18 years and older reporting bothersome tinnitus that is impacting their HRQoL who receive a tinnitus-related care plan AND tinnitus-related intervention(s), treatment(s), or management
Strata 1: Patients screened for presence of bothersome subjective tinnitus
Strata 2: Patients referred for further investigation OR assessed with clinical evaluation for tinnitus severity and a validated self-assessment tool (THI, TRQ, TFI) to determine the impact of tinnitus on their HRQoL
Strata 3: Patients who receive a tinnitus-related care plan AND tinnitus-related intervention(s), treatment(s), or management
Strata 4: Patients who report a MCID improvement in the impact of tinnitus on the HRQoL within 12 months of initial identification
Denominator Exclusions
Strata 1: Documentation of medical reason for not performing otoscopy, referred to another provider
Patient declined otoscopy procedure
Strata 2: Excessive or impacting cerumen was not removed prior to audiologic or vestibular evaluation documentation
Denominator Exceptions
Strata 1: Patient reports bothersome tinnitus and is NOT screened with a tinnitus screening tool; reason provided
Strata 2:Patient declined to complete a validated self-assessment tool to determine impact of tinnitus on HRQoL
Documentation of medical reason(s) for patient not being assessed with a validated self-assessment tool to determine the impact of tinnitus on HRQoL and clinical evaluation for tinnitus severity
Strata 3: Patient received a tinnitus-related care plan and declined tinnitus-related intervention(s), treatment(s) or management within 12 months of tinnitus evaluation and validated self-assessment completion.
Strata 4: Patient declined to complete a post-intervention(s) validated self-assessment tool to document the impact of the bothersome tinnitus on HRQoL within 12 months of tinnitus evaluation and validated self-assessment completion.
Patient is continuing with tinnitus management with additional tinnitus intervention, treatment, and/or management options recommended within 12 months of tinnitus evaluation and validated self-assessment completion.
Numerator Exclusions
NQF ID Number
NQS Domain
Effective Clinical Care
High Priority Measure
Includes Telehealth?
Inverse Measure
Proportional Measure
Continuous Variable Measure
Ratio Measure
Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted
Risk-Adjusted Status?
Meaningful Measure
Functional Outcomes
Measure Type
Patient Reported Outcome (PRO)
Care Settings
Ambulatory Care: Clinician Office/Clinic