2023 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_12: Use evidence-based decision aids to support shared decision-making 

<h1>Activity Description</h1>
Use evidence-based decision aids to support shared decision-making.
<th>Activity ID</th>
<th>Activity Weighting</th>
<th>Sub-Category Name</th>
<td>Beneficiary Engagement</td>
<h1>Objective & Validation Documentation</h1>
Objective: Increase use of evidence-based decision aids to encourage shared decision-making with beneficiaries.

Validation Documentation: Documented use of evidence-based decision aids to support shared decision-making, a collaborative process aimed at improving beneficiary-clinician communication and informed consent in healthcare. Include the following element:
1) Use of decision-aids – Documentation (e.g., checklist, algorithms, tools, screenshots) showing the use of evidence-based decision aids (e.g., https://decisionaid.ohri.ca/AZlist.html and https://shareddecisions.mayoclinic.org/decision-aid-information/decision-aids-for-chronic-disease/) to support shared decision-making with beneficiary.

